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Sylvia Head shot 4 x 6.jpg

Sylvia Maultash Warsh

Author of the award winning

Dr. Rebecca Temple mystery series

These photos provide some background to The Queen of Unforgetting.

Barbara with Frye.png

Barbara with Frye & wife Helen *

David Levine caricature of Frye as Moses

Caricature of Frye as Moses

E. J. Pratt 1944.png

 E. J. Pratt, 1944

E. J. Pratt c. 1930.png

E. J. Pratt, c. 1930

Frye as painted by Jeff Sprang.png

Frye, painted by 
Jeff Sprang

Frye Commemorative Stamp.png

Frye Commemorative Stamp 

Frye photo by Deborah Shackleton.png

 Frye photo by

Deborah Shackleton

Frye with Helen 1937.png

Frye with wife Helen, 1937

Tyger! Tyger! Poem by Blake.png

Tyger! Tyger!**

Wm Blake, 1807.png

Wm. Blake portrait

* Northrop Frye and his wife, Helen, vacationing in cottage country in the '50s. The little girl is Barbara Kerslake, a friend of Sylvia.

**Plate printed by William Blake collected in Songs of Experience

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